A Pictoral Description of the Goings-on in the McGuinn Family and Other General Randomness

Friday, October 29, 2010

Little Pirates Searching for Treasure at Daycare

Today was the parade at the boys' daycare.  Regular school was closed today, so Tyler got to participate in the Halloween festivities as well.  This was special because Tyler was in the hospital last Halloween and missed out on the parades and other fun.  I was with Ty, so I missed out on seeing Carter in his parade.  It always amazes me how important these things are to me.  Having kids can really open your eyes to what's important in life!

The boys dressed as pirates.  Carter wore the costume Tyler wore 2 years ago and Tyler wore a different pirate costume the was given to him as a gift.  Here they are this morning before daycare.  I'm sure the neighbors loved me yelling at the boys "pirates aren't afraid of wet grass!" at 7 am.

Here are some pictures from the parade.  They were soooo excited!

Then it was time for the party!  I didn't stay long since I had to get back to work, but here are a few shots.

Next up, the big day!  Stay tuned for more pictures!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your boys are so cute! I love there match costumes. Looks like you have some great photos for a halloween layout.
