A Pictoral Description of the Goings-on in the McGuinn Family and Other General Randomness

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Miss My Sis

I was just chatting with my sis via Facebook (she lives in NY, I live in FL) and now I miss her. So in honor of her I am posting a page I did about her visit to Florida this past April. I love it cause it has her and Byron with my 2 favorite little guys. I also love it because I got to use the K&Co. "Poppy Seed" collection. I love the light greens, blues and lavenders, all the cool colors of the rainbow plus this collection has the cutest embellies, silly little birds and accents that look hand-doodled. Scrapbook Sussies featured this paper line in a Spring 2010 kit.

Anyways, she said she checks the blog regularly and would start to leave comments, so we'll test her out with this post!

Luv You, Sissy!!!

1 comment:

  1. See...told you I follow! :o) And now it's "official" with an avitar and everything! Love the page...LOVE YOU!!
